Gohan and Android 17 A Comparative Analysis of Strength and Abilities in Dragon Ball

19/08/2023 @ 3:56 pm

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Gohan: Background and Abilities
  3. Android 17: Background and Abilities
  4. Comparisons a. Power Levels b. Techniques c. Achievements
  5. Conclusion
  6. Questions & Answers


In the world of Dragon Ball, power levels, abilities, and transformations are subjects of interest and debate. Two characters, Gohan and Android 17, have caught the attention of fans for their unique strengths and development. This blog post delves into an analysis of their abilities and a comparison to determine who might be stronger.

Gohan: Background and Abilities

Gohan, the son of Goku, has been one of the main characters in the "Dragon Ball" series. With his Saiyan bloodline, Gohan possesses immense potential that has been tapped into various times throughout the series.


Gohan was named after Goku's adoptive Grandpa Gohan. Unlike other Saiyans, he shows an early reluctance towards fighting, inheriting a gentler nature from his human side.

However, the Saiyan blood in him possesses enormous latent abilities. As the series progresses, Gohan matures from a shy child into a courageous and strategic fighter, all while juggling his academic pursuits.

Power Levels

Gohan's power level has been a subject of significant interest and development throughout the series. His potential was first noticed by Piccolo, who took him under his wing.

From unleashing his rage against Raditz to his transformation into Super Saiyan 2 to defeat Cell, Gohan's power levels have often surpassed those of seasoned fighters.

The Elder Kai's ritual to unlock his Mystic or Ultimate form reveals Gohan's full potential without transforming into a Super Saiyan, making him one of the most powerful beings.


Gohan's fighting techniques include powerful attacks like Masenko and Kamehameha. But what sets him apart is his ability to analyze his opponents and adapt his strategies accordingly.

Trained by various masters, Gohan has a wide array of fighting styles and techniques at his disposal.


Unlike most Saiyans, Gohan's human side emphasizes education and intellect. He's as comfortable with books as with battles, and this intelligence often translates into his fighting, where he uses strategy as much as strength.

Moral Compass

Gohan's sense of right and wrong is strong. He fights not for the thrill of battle like his father but to protect others, making his motivations more complex and sometimes conflicted.

In conclusion, Gohan's background and abilities are multifaceted. His Saiyan heritage gives him unparalleled potential in power levels, while his human side provides intellect and moral complexity.

Together, these aspects form a character who's not only an extraordinary fighter but also a compassionate and thoughtful individual.

His journey from a timid child to a confident warrior is emblematic of his growth, reflecting themes of self-discovery and responsibility that resonate throughout the "Dragon Ball" series.

Android 17: Background and Abilities

Android 17, originally known as Lapis, is one of Dr. Gero's creations, designed to carry out the mission of destroying Goku.

With an initial appearance as a villain, Android 17 undergoes significant transformations throughout the series, evolving into a crucial ally.


Originally a human, he was transformed into an android by Dr. Gero, imbued with cybernetic enhancements and unlimited energy. Despite his initial role as an antagonist, his character develops depth, demonstrating empathy and even adopting a ranger role to protect wildlife.

Power Levels

Android 17's power levels are noteworthy, especially considering his unlimited energy, which allows him to maintain peak performance without fatigue. His strength was showcased during the "Dragon Ball Super" series, where he fought on par with some of the most potent beings in the Tournament of Power.


His abilities include a variety of energy attacks and barriers, reflecting his android nature. His Energy Barrier is a signature move, able to withstand tremendous force. Coupled with his endless energy reserves, Android 17 can fight tirelessly, maintaining his pace and power in extended battles.


One of Android 17's defining traits is his adaptability. He can quickly analyze opponents' fighting styles and adjust his strategies, a skill that has proven pivotal in many encounters.

In summary, Android 17's character transcends his initial design as a cold, calculating android. His background as a human-turned-android adds complexity, and his abilities demonstrate a balance of raw power, tactical prowess, and adaptability. His evolution from a programmed killer to a defender of Earth and its creatures adds a layer of redemption and growth, reflecting a multifaceted character within the "Dragon Ball" universe.


Gohan and Android 17 are two compelling characters in the "Dragon Ball" series, each with unique traits and development arcs.

Backgrounds: Gohan, a hybrid of Saiyan and human, has grown from a timid child to a formidable warrior, driven by the need to protect others. Android 17, initially introduced as a villain, has evolved into a vital ally, reflecting a journey from a programmed killer to a defender of Earth.

Power Levels: Gohan's power levels are influenced by his Saiyan heritage, leading to incredible potential, especially in his Mystic or Ultimate form. Android 17's power, derived from cybernetic enhancements, grants him unlimited energy, making him a relentless fighter.

Techniques: While Gohan's techniques, such as the Masenko and Kamehameha, are rooted in his training with various masters, Android 17's abilities like Energy Barrier emphasize his android nature. Both characters showcase adaptability, but Gohan's intellect often translates into strategic prowess, while Android 17's endless energy enables continuous combat.

Morality and Growth: Gohan's moral compass and desire to protect contrast with Android 17's initial lack of empathy, though 17's growth into a more compassionate being adds depth to his character.

In conclusion, the comparison between Gohan and Android 17 is complex, reflecting differences in origin, power dynamics, techniques, and personal growth. Gohan's blend of Saiyan strength and human intellect contrasts with Android 17's relentless energy and adaptability.

Both characters' evolution and the interplay of their abilities make them two of the most fascinating figures in the "Dragon Ball" universe.

Their respective journeys add richness to the series, offering diverse perspectives on strength, heroism, and redemption.


The question of who's stronger is complex and depends on various factors such as strategy, form, and context. While Gohan's potential is immense, Android 17's adaptability and unlimited energy make this comparison challenging.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who has the higher potential?

A: Gohan's higher potential stems from his Saiyan heritage. Throughout the series, we've seen glimpses of his raw power, particularly during moments of extreme emotion or necessity. His ability to tap into the Mystic or Ultimate form also demonstrates a ceiling of power that's possibly unmatched.

Q: Who has the advantage in extended battles?

A: In prolonged battles, Android 17 has the advantage thanks to his unlimited energy reserves. While other fighters may become fatigued, Android 17 can continue to fight at his peak, making him a formidable opponent in any drawn-out conflict.

Q: What is Gohan's ultimate transformation?

A: Gohan's ultimate transformation is referred to as the Mystic or Ultimate form. Unlike other Super Saiyan stages, this form doesn't alter his appearance as dramatically but unlocks his latent abilities, giving him incredible strength without the energy drain of other transformations.

Q: What makes Android 17 unique among other Androids?

A: Android 17's uniqueness lies in his continuous growth in power and his ability to adapt to different fighting styles, along with his unlimited energy. These attributes have made him a key player in many battles, including the Tournament of Power.

Q: Who would win in a battle between the two?

A: The winner between Gohan and Android 17 is subjective and highly dependent on circumstances such as form, strategy, and context of the battle. Both characters have their respective strengths and weaknesses, so the outcome might differ from one scenario to another, making this a complex and intriguing comparison.

In summary, both Gohan and Android 17 are powerful characters with unique abilities. Their comparison is a testament to the depth and complexity of the "Dragon Ball" universe, sparking intriguing discussions among fans.

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